Unless you’ve been living in the wild and don’t have access to the Internet, you’ve probably heard of Pinterest. I’m addicted.
For those of you who aren’t familiar with Pinterest, here’s the basic gist. You make a “board” and give it a title (desserts, quotes, writing tips, hero inspiration etc.) Your page can have as many or as few boards as you’d like. Totally your choice. When you search within Pinterest for whatever the heck you want to search for, click “pin” and select which board you want the image/website/link to go to. Easy peasy and organized for future reference. Most Web sites and blogs have a direct “Pin” link so you can click and pin even when not on Pinterest.
I started using Pinterest years ago as a way to save recipes I found online. At first I only had a “Recipe” board and quickly learned I needed subcategories to help organize my bazillion recipes I saved. I now have boards for desserts, breakfast, snack, main dishes, soups…you get the picture. My son was diagnosed with celiac disease two months ago so now I have Gluten Free Desserts, Gluten Free Snacks etc.
So how do I use Pinterest as an author? Research. I have a “Hero Inspiration” board where I keep pictures of beautiful men. I have a “Heroine Inspiration” board as well (not sure why I don’t have as many images there as I do in my Hero board. Hmm). I also have a board for each book, whether it’s published yet or not. If there’s a hero or heroine whom I use as inspiration or who looks like my characters, I pin them. I also pin quotes or other “things” that have to do with my books.
There are times when I’m working on edits for one book, writing another and pimping yet another. Sometimes I forget what my hero/heroine look like! I refer back to my Pinterest boards and sigh and stare and drool…and then get back to writing.
And, yeah. Because I have an itsy bitsy shoe addiction, I have a Shoe Porn board. And a Dessert board. And a Girly Drink board. It’s not all writerly stuff. Visit me at https://www.pinterest.com/mariannericeaut.
Is Pinterest a time suck? Heck, yeah. And I love it. Come visit me on Pinterest. You can follow all my boards or select which ones inspire you. Check out my board for Then Came You, which came out last week (it’s FREE on Kindle Unlimited). Here’s a little taste…
“I kind of have this love-hate relationship with you.”
The look of shock on his face made her laugh. “Okay. Maybe not such strong emotions. How about like and dislike? One minute you’re sweet and kind and gorgeous and the next minute you’re too caught up in work and image but still working the gorgeous angle.”
“Is being gorgeous good or bad?”
“You seem to work it in no matter what you do. You can’t help it. You’re pretty.”
“Guys don’t want to be pretty.”
“Yeah. They do. But you’re hot, too. Pretty and hot.”
“Can’t you just call me pretty hot and call it good?”
“See, and then you throw in a dash of humor and I’m a goner.”
“Goner? Really?” Grayson set his hands on her waist and tugged her closer. She shivered from the heat, from the chill, from the anticipation.
“It was easier when I thought you were a jerk,” she whispered, her mouth dangerously close to his.
“Why is that?” he whispered back, his breath mingling with hers.
She swallowed, her throat tight and hoarse, and licked her lips. “Because then I wasn’t tempted to do this.” Thyme stood on her tiptoes and gently pressed her lips against his.
Amazon bit.ly/thencameyou
Amazon UK http://www.amazon.co.uk/Then-Came-Wilde-Sisters-Book-ebook/dp/B01D10A52I/
Amazon CA https://www.amazon.ca/Then-Came-Wilde-Sisters-Book-ebook/dp/B01D10A52I/
Amazon AU https://www.amazon.com.au/Then-Came-Wilde-Sisters-Book-ebook/dp/B01D10A52I/
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Read more about Marianne and her books here: amazon.com/author/mariannerice
Marianne Rice writes contemporary romances set in small New England towns. When she’s not writing, Marianne spends her time buying shoes, eating chocolate, chauffeuring her herd of children to their varying sporting events, and when there’s time, relaxing with fancy drinks and romance books.