Dylan Roberts returns to the Wales of his birth a changed man after the violent death of his mate. Having turned his back on being a bounty hunter and sworn off love for life, all he wants now is revenge.
When he meets Aeron Lombardo, his new farmhand, Dylan resents the intense attraction that blossoms between them. But Aeron won’t stop pushing, and soon things take a hot and sexy turn.
As passions rise, danger rears its ugly head. Now Dylan and Aeron must choose whether to separate or commit to one another totally. Will Dylan take the final step and claim his new mate?
Not knowing what else to do, Aeron waited until they’d turned the corner and then flagged down the first passing cab. His stomach hurt. He figured he’d been winded, but in all likelihood not seriously injured in any way. The pain wasn’t any worse than the fights he used to get into at school. It could have been bad, but the crowd got rid of them before it turned ugly. As the cab slowed to a stop, he leaned down to the window and gave his address.
“You’re not getting in my cab, bleeding all over the place. Been fighting and drinking, eh? Sorry, but I don’t need the hassle.” The driver wound his window up and drove off.
Bleeding? Aeron touched his hand to his face. His lips and mouth were dry, but as he moved his fingers up toward his eyebrow he felt sticky liquid and cursed as he pulled his hand away. The tips of his fingers were covered in blood.
Another cab crawled by, and he tried his luck again, only to get the same result. He’d two options: give in and call the police, spend hours giving a statement and waiting around in Accident and Emergency, or get the night bus. Neither of which appealed. With the way his luck ran this evening, the driver might not let him aboard. Or the same men might be on the bus, ready for round two.
He scrolled through the contacts in his phone and called David twice, but he didn’t pick up. He tried Sasha, but no luck there either. They were probably somewhere too noisy to hear him call.
Next he tried Rhys but again got no answer. Fuck, his body ached! He needed to get home and lie down. Should he call Dylan? His boss would probably come pick him up, if at home. But might he blame him for fighting? Then again, he’d helped patch up Dylan only last week with his mysterious “I fell on some glass, honest” routine. Nausea started to swirl in his belly and the earth tilted on its axis. Great! He didn’t need to be adding puking to the mix. Desperate, he dialed Dylan, his fingers shaking. The phone picked up on the third ring.
“Dylan?” His voice wobbled as he spoke.
“Yes. Who is this?”
“Me. Sorry, Aeron. I’ve been…in an accident. I’m in Llandudno. Can you come and get me? I don’t want to go to the hospital.” He almost laughed at the way his pleas mirrored those of Dylan’s from a few days ago.
“Where are you?”
“In Llandudno.”
“Yep, I got as much, but where exactly?” The curt, no nonsense reply helped him focus.
He turned to the hotel and looked up. “I’m outside The Royal. Park up on the seafront, near the corner with the Marks and Spencer’s, and call me. I’ll come out. I’m going to sit in the hotel bar and wait, so I’ll be safe.”
“I’ll be there as soon as I can.”
He hung up. He didn’t stop to think until he sat in the soft chairs of The Royal Hotel. When he did, he started to freak out. Why the hell did he think it a good idea to call Dylan? What possessed him to ring his boss to come get him all beat up on a Saturday night?
But he’d not known who the hell else to call. And as he sat and thought, he realized something else. Dylan had never hesitated, not once.
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Amazon US: http://www.amazon.com/Claimed-Desire-Wild-Hunters-Book-ebook/dp/B0104X9COC/ref=sr_1_3?ie=UTF8&qid=1437309202&sr=8-3&keywords=skye+jones
Amazon UK: http://www.amazon.co.uk/Claimed-Desire-Wild-Hunters-Book-ebook/dp/B0104X9COC/ref=sr_1_4?ie=UTF8&qid=1437309322&sr=8-4&keywords=skye+jones
B&N: http://www.barnesandnoble.com/w/claimed-by-desire-skye-jones/1122248981?ean=9781622102365
Liquid Silver: http://www.lsbooks.com/pre-order-coming-soon-romance-books-c322.php
About the author
Skye Jones is an erotic romance author who writes about that moment when lust and love meet head on. Stalk her on Facebook here: https://www.facebook.com/pages/Skye-Jones/297399473794965?ref=bookmarks
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