Christmas in Cancun released on Monday so it’s a busy time for me as an author…and then there’s the whole Christmas holiday.
Parties, shopping for gifts, a vacation with the whole family (not Cancun this year, but we are headed to the Caribbean), shopping on warm islands, cooking, shopping for more food, decorating (and I do it BIG), shopping for more decorations, and then celebrating Christmas with my family.
Then there are more parties and cooking and…and…
Somewhere in there I have to find time to finish my novella, Conquered in Cancun.
So much to do, and the time flies!
I don’t know about you, but for me the more I have to do, the better I feel and the more “stuff” gets done. I can be the world’s best procrastinator, especially if I only have one or two things to do and there are no time constraints. But if I have a whole bunch of things and they all have deadlines, I can rock a list.
Yes, I’m a list maker. There’s nothing more gratifying than taking that pen and drawing a line through the completed item, or scribbling through it to decimate that task if it was a tough one or one I just kept putting off until it was essential.
Today, I have filled a legal pad with all the “stuff” I have to do.
Top of the list is to keep up with all the promotions I have going for Christmas in Cancun, and there are a LOT!

Also through Dec. 6 -- I’m one of 10 authors in the Hottie Hunt blog hop. You can read my interview of Karl, the hero of Tara Quan’s Dec. 22 release, A Christmas Together. Visit all 10 blogs, be sure to comment, then follow the instructions to enter to win eBooks and a $10 gift certificate.
Through Dec. 31 — The $100 Hottie Holiday Bonanza runs the entire month. Sixteen authors have chipped in to create a pile of prizes including a $100 gift card. All you need to do is follow the link and you’re automatically entered. Comment and you get extra entries.
Dec. 6-10 — Hot for the Holidays. The lovely ladies at Love, Lust and Laptops each will be giving away prizes on their individual blogs and jointly we have even more, so there will be LOTS of winners!

Whew! Lots to do, but I love it.
Now, tell me your holiday plans. Parties? You hosting or attending? Where do you plan to spend Christmas? Did you buy anything really unusual as a gift? (I’m always hunting gift ideas.) Comment at the end of this post and you’re entered to win those diamond earrings!
Christmas in Cancun blurb
Busy building a new career with his catamaran company, former SEAL Jack Girard had all but forgotten about his grandfather’s quest to find the golden Mayan goddess statues until his brother’s beautiful widow, Jillian, and adorable daughter, Addison, arrive in Cancun with the research materials. Jack’s need to complete the family mission is almost as strong as his desire for Jillian.
Between raising her daughter alone and finishing her doctorate in Mayan anthropology, Jillian doesn’t have time for a man in her life. Although, after mourning her husband’s murder for two years, she’s ready for a man in her bed.
An underwater Virgin Mary statue and centuries-old manuscripts lead the two of them through the Mayan Riviera and directly into danger.
During steamy Caribbean nights together, will they develop the ability to move on and discover that the real treasure isn’t gold?
Excerpt from Christmas in Cancun
Her husband. His brother.
Nothing left but ashes and memories. He closed his eyes to hold in the water that threatened to leak. He couldn’t cry. He had been a fucking Navy SEAL. Every part of his body had been tested from his muscles to his fortitude to his brain. Every part except his heart.
Somehow, Jillian had touched that part of him. Sure, she was a beautiful woman with curves in all the right places and he wanted her, but it was more than lust. No. She had reached inside him and with gentle fingers brushed his heart. She’d done it in mere hours.
How had she managed that? How had he let her?
Had he been reaching for a connection to Jimmy? She’d been his wife, and Addi was part of him. Maybe that was it. But Jimmy was gone, and this afternoon he would help his sister-in-law lay his brother’s remains to rest. He needed that closure.
That was it. She was a tie to his brother, and he’d been seeking a connection to Jimmy. Missing him. That’s all. This afternoon’s trip to the reef would sever their tie, and he wouldn’t need Jillian and her child to fill that void.
He had to keep his distance from her in the meantime.
Metadata tags – Christmas, Romance, Suspense, SEALs, Military, Cancun, Mexico, Vacation Romance, Holiday, International Romance, Wealthy Romance, Erotic Romance,

KaLyn Cooper’s romances blend fact and fiction with blazing heat and heart-pounding suspense. Twenty-two years as a military wife has shown KaLyn the world, and 30, years in PR taught her that fact can be stranger than fiction. She leaves it up to the reader to separate truth from imagination. She, her husband, and bird dog live in Tennessee on a micro-plantation filled with gardens, cattle, and quail. When she’s not writing, she’s at the shooting range or on the river.
Buy links
Amazon http://www.amazon.com/Christmas-Cancun-KaLyn-Cooper-ebook/dp/B00PD61SQG
Liquid Silver http://www.lsbooks.com/
Barnes & Noble http://www.barnesandnoble.com/w/christmas-in-cancun-kalyn-cooper/1120731116?ean=9781622101733
Kobo http://store.kobobooks.com/en-US/ebook/christmas-in-cancun
iTunes/iBooks https://itunes.apple.com/us/book/christmas-in-cancun/id940858520?mt=11
Author links
Website: www.KaLynCooper.com
E-mail: [email protected]
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/kalyn.cooper.52
Pinterest: http://www.pinterest.com/kalyncooper/
Twitter: @KaLynCooperbooks
Goodreads: https://www.goodreads.com/book/show/23526697-christmas-in-cancun?from_search=true
Amazon author page: amazon.com/author/kalyncooper